Email Hosting Services
Affordable, private and secure email hosting!Private Email Hosting
If you are like us, the thought of someone else snooping in our email makes us cringe… and that has been a concern for sometime when it comes to Gmail and the other “large” email hosting providers out there. Thats one of the reasons that we decided to start offering email hosting services, we think your emails belong to you and nobody else, and we make a commitment to keep it that way!

Powered by OX (Open Xchange)
Enterprise Email Hosting
Power-packed Email Service
- 25Gb of space per box
- 5Gb of additional space for files
- Built-in SPAM blocking
- Built-in Virus blocking
- Tasks, Appointment Calendar and Contacts
- Shared Contacts and Calendar across the domain (optional)
- Online Word Processor and Spreadsheet
Business Email
Reliable Business Email
- 5Gb of space per box
- 1Gb of additional space for files
- Built-in SPAM blocking
- Built-in Virus blocking