High Conversion Web Design
We build sites that convert visitors to customers!Professional Web Design
Websites are essential to today’s businesses, a business without a website is missing out on a huge sales opportunity. Consumers today not only purchase online, but they research your business before they visit you locally! Having a professional looking website helps to establish the credibility of your business. Don’t place your trust in “a guy I know”, call on a firm that can provide rockstar services no matter what the need!
Conversion is King
What good is having a website if it provides no value? The key to growing your business is converting visitors to buyers… and your web design choices, site structure, and text copy are the recipe to converting visitors.
We are experts in creating high conversion websites. When it comes to conversion, here is a list of “must haves”:
- Call to Actions (CTAs) – you must have a clearly defined call to action. The success of your CTA also depends on the wording used, the positioning on the page, and the structure.
- Clearly defined contact options – as with your CTAs, the positioning on the page, as well as color, font and font sizes really matter. We have done thousands of tests and studied what works best to convert visitors… and we use this knowledge to help you succeed too!
- Responsive design – on some websites, mobile traffic accounts for up to 60% of the traffic. Your site must respond accordingly to different screen sizes and device types, so that no matter who is looking at your site, and what device they are using, that your site looks awesome and has all of the conversion keys in place.
- Ease of use – the site must be easy to use for the visitor! Most web designers, and business owners, focus on their site “looking good.” You can have the best looking website in the world, but if it isn’t easily navigable, has a good flow, and is easy to use, it won’t convert. This very reason is why some sites that aren’t attractive, some are even down right ugly, are so successful… its because they are easy to use for the person visiting them.
Recipe For A Great Website
What exactly goes into a great website? There are many different opinions on what makes a website great. We have developed our own “recipe” that, when all of the pieces are “mixed” together, will result in the site you have always wanted.
- Design by a real graphics artist!
- Standards compliant XHTML and CSS coding
- PHP programming for web forms, stores and credit card functionality, etc.
- Web page optimization for fast load times
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that your site can be found!
- Full featured reliable web hosting
- Customer interaction throughout the project
- We utilize a comprehensive project management system that allows you to track the progress of your project, and interact with our developers
- Access to our development environment to see your project as it progresses
- Development and staging servers for testing and feature sign-off
- Word class customer support, some have called us “fanatical” when it comes to support!
- Telephone Support
- Email Support
- Trouble Ticket System
- Personal contact information for the owner of the company! (you don’t get this everywhere)
- Blazing fast web hosting! If your site doesn’t come up fast, Google will penalize you, and visitors will not stay on-site! We have the fastest Knoxville web hosting.
Where do we start?
Getting started is easy! You can use the form (or contact options) on the "How to contact us" page. If you prefer to speak to a human about your SEO project, you can reach us by email at [email protected], or by telephone at (865) 583-6360. Although our offices are in the Knoxville and Nashville Tennessee areas, we have clients located in different regions of the country and accept clients nationwide!